WebRadio 1.47

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Hey High,Still adoring the station and possess been hearing for yrs today. It's i9000 certainly what gets me thru almost all days whether at function or house.

I noticed Hammerhead by FIotsam and Jetsam earlier. Would enjoy to listen to even more from them, maybe off When The Thunderstorm Comes Down, Cuatro, Go, or also the new one. I noticed them with Hammerfall last season and obtained to meet up with both artists. Definitely amazing dudes.

Certainly give Hammerfall a listen as nicely if you haven't yet. One of my favorite bands. While not really close to until the middle-90s, they do have an 80s sound to them.Will constantly be right here listening!Say thanks to you for all you perform!-Tony Fisher,Bellevue, Ohio. Hey, my name's Joe. I was a Tranquility Corps VoIunteer in Hónduras in 2009. Government eventually determined to close the plan in Honduras due to the violence, but while I was there I fulfilled an amazing musician who generates primary hand-made wóodwork, all with á heavy metal concept.His name is usually Gabriel, but everybody knows him as Toto.

He'beds an incredibly solid guy (arrives from a great family, offers strong values, and INSANE talent) and I always needed to test and assist link him to buyers in the U.H and around the world.I can offer a great deal more context about the circumstance in Honduras and what daily people require to get over to survive, but I'll save that for another time.Whenever you obtain the chance, check out his Facebook team where he is the mastermind (Tóto's the man in the white T-shirt aiming in the top left corner). If it all feasible, I would appreciate to assist this amazing dude increase above the circumstances that he has been given birth to into and raise him to the level that he works so difficult to be at.Thanks!

I totally love Metallic Shop. I hope you and yours acquired a excellent holiday period. I've been listening for yrs and that's not really heading to change anytime quickly. Each music represents a different memory from back in the day time. Switching 45 in Walk, I have always been so lucky to have got grown up in an age group with like great music. Actually sense distressing for children these days with what they possess to develop up with.

Always having Metallic Store or Locks Band Radio on with ánything I'm performing at house, my wife got me one óf the coolest ánd almost all useful presents I think she's actually arrive up with, this past Christmas. She got me a Bose bluetooth speaker so I can actually take Metallic store with me anyplace in the home or garage. Functioning in the garage, at my table on the personal computer, or on the veranda savoring a cool one (or 10), you're ideal presently there with me!

Maintain the excellent tunes (and fun recollections) moving!Your friend,-TonyBellevue, Ohio. In the historic times of yore, I discovered Live life365 through my nigh-forgotten AOL accounts right after I changed from 56k to some fragile early edition of ADSL. Back after that there had been a couple metallic/rock stations on Live365, but Metallic SHOP stood out large period. There had been a good Eurometal station that presented me to companies from across the pond I never noticed of, but that place didn'capital t last while yours helps to keep on ROCKING HARD!

I'm tossing horns at you High Rock! Loving the clearness of audio from your web site. Hi Rich,Stone on, guy! Meters/ Thanks a lot for such a kick-ass train station. (And you're a fellow Portlander!) There are usually always good bands about, but nothing defeats 80s steel. Soundtrack of my misspent youth, I speculate. Just asking yourself if there is certainly an online playlist accessible?

I has been listening yesterday afternoon (8/16) and a actually awesome Armored Saint tune arrived on, but I had been at work so couldn't verify my app. I'm pretty certain it had been from Delirious Nómad, and after hearing to some videos I wanna say it has been “Aftermath”, but can'capital t state for sure. Any help?Thanks!

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